About The PRIME Expo Conference
The PRIME Expo’s one-day conference agenda will benefit plant and department managers, supervisors and frontline workers involved in reliability, inspection & maintenance, shutdowns & turnarounds, supply chain sourcing, and process digitalization.
Welcome to a replay of the panel discussion on “Best practices for HS&E, economic growth, and community relations” that took place at The PRIME Expo in August 2024.
This panel was sponsored by Kent
9:30-10:30AM Industry panel 1
Maximizing productivity and reliability in maintenance and turnarounds, Part 1
Experts discuss increasing efficiency and safety, how to leverage work processes to drive KPIs, as well as current initiatives and successes at their plants, including:
- Time on tools improvements
- Materials and contractor scheduling
- PM optimization
- Improving KPIsSpeakers:
Steven Pittman, Senior Principal Maintenance & Reliability Engineer, Arkema
Elliott Snell, Execution Lead, Covestro
Mark Mitchell, Maintenance & Reliability Manager, LyondellBasell Channelview
Moderator: Jeremy Osterberger, President & COO, BIC Alliance
11:00AM-12:00PM Industry panel 2
Maximizing productivity and reliability in maintenance and turnarounds, Part 2
Plant experts share their experiences and successes in optimizing productivity, setting and meeting KPIs, and making data-driven decisions. Panelists will share initiatives at their plants, including:
- Work process for maintenance, operations, and turnarounds
- Productivity improvements through material staging, scheduling and work culture strategies
- Improving efficiency by managing contractors, contract administration
- Design for reliability
- Root cause analysis
- Reducing and managing eventsSpeakers:
Johnny Park, Central Maintenance & Reliability Manager, LyondellBasell- La Porte Complex
Tami Glasper, Reliability Manager, Air Products
Byron Logan, Contract Administration & MRO Leader, Dow
Moderator: James Griffin, Assoc. Vice Chancellor & Sr. Vice President for CPET, San Jacinto College
2:00-3:00PM EHCMA Industry panel
Best practices for HS&E, economic growth, and community relations
EHCMA-member plant site managers will share initiatives and best practices that their facilities use to promote health, safety, environmental responsibility, and economic growth. The East Harris County Manufacturers Association (EHCMA) is a coalition of nearly 120 plant sites serving one of the largest petrochemical complexes in the world.
Panelists will share what key best practices their facilities have implemented and are striving to improve, such as:
- Upholding environmental standards, reliability, mechanical integrity, leak prevention, monitoring standards, emissions reduction
- Recent initiatives to mitigate chemical exposures and non-permitted task injuries
- Crisis communications, incident reporting, and emergency response procedures
- Advocacy and ongoing partnerships with surrounding communities through Community Advisory Panels & Councils, community opinion surveys and benchmarking
- Advocacy with local, regional, and state regulatory agencies and legislators
- Workforce development strategies
- Using social media to amplify a company’s good workPanelists
Aaron Stryk, Public & Government Affairs, ExxonMobil Baytown (Moderator)
Tifanie Steele, General Manager, Chevron Pasadena Refinery
Sharon Hulgan, Lead Site Manufacturing Director, Dow Houston Hub Operations
Scott Halbrooks, Plant Manager, OxyChem, La Porte VCM Facility
Christina Penrose, Environmental Manager, The Lubrizol Corporation
2024 speakers
Reliability Manager
Tami Glasper -
Senior Principal Maintenance & Reliability Engineer
Steve Pittman -
Execution Lead
Elliott Snell -
Contract Administration & MRO Leader
Byron Logan -
M&R Manager - Central
Johnny Park -
Maintenance & Reliability Manager, Channelview
Mark Mitchell -
Environmental Manager
Christina Penrose -
Public & Government Affairs
Aaron Stryk -
Lead Site Manufacturing Director
Sharon Hulgan -
Plant Manager, La Port Facility
Scott Halbrooks -
General Manager, Pasadena Refinery
Tifanie Steele -
San Jacinto College
Associate Vice Chancellor/SVP for CPET
James Griffin
2024 Schedule
9:00 AM
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
4:30 PM
Expo Hall Opens
Industry Panel 1
Coffee Break
Industry Panel 2
Lunch Service
Ice Cream Break
Happy Hour
Expo Hall Closes